

Have unwanted sensitive documents piling up? 

Drop by Urban Impact's Shred Days! 

Urban Impact encourages you to bring by your boxes of files and paperwork for secure, on-site shredding right before your eyes.  

You’ll be able to safely and cost-effectively destroy unnecessary documents. 

We will weigh the materials for shredding and provide you with a receipt indicating the weight of the material shredded and the cost.  

Wrap wise

In an average year, Canadians will through out 540,000 tonnes of gift wrapping over the Christmas season! Putting that into perspective, it’s the equivalent of placing 100,000 elephant’s worth of paper in the trash. So, forget anyone who looks down on you for carefully unpacking your gifts because you want to reuse the wrapping paper. Its not just eco conscious, its eco smart.

Its Christmas! It’s the most wonderful (and often most wasteful) time of the year.

“Tis the most wasteful time of the year”. “Hark the Herald Landfill sing”. “I’m dreaming of a green Christmas”. I could go on with rubbish (here I go again) Christmas puns, however I think you get the message.