Sort By Categories
Alkaline batteries
Beer cans
355ml soda & pop cans
480ml soda & pop cans
Beer bottles
Hard Liquor bottles
Soda & Pop bottles
Wine bottles
Milk bottles
Hard liquor bottles
Juice bottles
Juice jugs
Milk jugs
Soda & pop bottles
Pouches & Cartons
Juice box
Juice cartons
Juice pouches
Milk cartons
Cardboard boxes
Cardboard sheets
Cardboard cores less than 3 feet
Clean pizza boxes
Kraft or feed bags
Paper bags
Press board packaging
All electronics
Cassette tapess
Compact discs (CDs)
Data tapes
Desk & standing lamps
Desk phones and fax machines
Hard drives
Irons and steamers
Kettles, blenders, coffee makers, fans
Keyboards, cables, mouses
Laptops and desktop computers
Microwaves and toasters
Monitors and TVs
Small appliances
VHS tapes & cases

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Air fresheners
Automotive air filters
Automotive rubber belts
Baby wipes
Bear spray
Black garbage bags
Bottle caps & milk lids
Bread tags
Broken toys
Chip bags
Chocolate bar wrappers
Cigarette butts
Clothing & Textiles
Q-tips and swabs
Dental floss
Dirty aluminum Foil
Disposable cleaning cloths
Elastic bands
Excess liquids
Food residue containers
Food soiled soft & flexible plastics
Feminine hygiene products & applicators
Foam clamshell containers, bowls, meat trays & cups
Food safety seals (milk caps seals, bottle pull tabs)
Frozen fruit pouches
Furnace filters
Garbage hoses
Glass panes or broken glass
Glass windowpanes
Granola wrappers
Laundry baskets
Liner bags (cereal, cookies and crackers)
Non-recyclable coffee bags
Non-recyclable cups and lids
Old sponges and scrub pads
Packing peanuts
Painted or dirty white Styrofoam blocks &
Personal protective equipment
Pet bio solids (Poop!)
Picture frames
Picture cutlery
Plastic straws
Rubber bands
Rubber gloves
Stand-up and zipper lock pouches
Straws & stir sticks
Tape - all types
Tissue paper
Toothpaste tubes
Twist ties & elastics
Vacuum cleaner dirt

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Aluminum take-out containers
Any clean mixed container
Beverage containers
Bottle caps and milk lids
Coffee cups
Empty aerosol containers & cans
Food packaging & take-out containers
Glass bottles, containers & jars
Metal and aluminum cans and lids
Plastic containers
Yogurt containers

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Food contaminated cardboard & paper
Food scraps, vegetables & meat cuttings
Grease-soaked pizza boxes
Organic food waste
Organic matter
Paper food packaging & take out containers
Paper towels
Wax paper & boxes
Wood chips
Wood shavings
Wood stir & chop sticks
Yard trimmings
Advertising flyers
All paper
Cardboard boxes
Cardboard cores less than 3 feet
Cardboard sheets
Catalogues, magazines & newsprint
Clean paper of any kind
Clean pizza boxes
Copy paper
Envelopes: plain & window
Hardcover & paperback books
Junk mail
Kraft or feed bags
Newsprint, newsprint inserts, magazines
Paper bags
Paper folders
Paper hanging dividers
Paper with small clips & staples
Press board packaging
Printed paper
Shredded paper
White & coloured computer copier paper
Writing correspondence & loose-leaf paper
Clear, pre-consumer soft plastic
Clear, pre or post-consumer shrink wrap
Flexible packaging with plastic seal
Shrink wrap, clear plastic sheets or bags
Advertising flyers
All paper
Bank statements
Clean paper of any kind
Coil bound books
Confidential paper materials
Envelopes: plain & window
Hardcover & paperback books
Magazines, newsprint & newsprint inserts
Note pads
Paper folders
Paper hanging dividers
Paper with small clips & staples
Printer paper
Shredded paper
White & coloured computer copier paper
Writing correspondence & loose-leaf paper
Advertising flyers
Aerosol cans (empty)
All paper
Aluminum cans, foil & take out plates
Beverage containers
Boxboard, cereal, cracker & shoe boxes
Clean paper of any kind
Cleaning containers (empty & rinsed)
Egg cartons & molded paper trays
Envelopes: plain & window
Hardcover & paperback books
Magazines, catalogues & glossy brochures
Metal cans & lids
Newspapers, inserts & flyers
Note pads
Paper bags & multi-layer paper bags
Paper cores, toilet & paper towel rolls
Paper folders
Paper hanging dividers
Paper milk, juice & liquid cartons
Paper with small clips & staples
Plastic bottles & milk jugs
Plastic clam shell containers
Plastic cleaning containers
Plastic food containers, tubs & trays (rinsed)
Pots & pans
Printed paper
Refundable beverage containers
Shredded paper (must be bagged)
Wax cartons
White & coloured computer copier paper
Writing correspondence & loose-leaf paper