March 18 is Global Recycling Day. It is a day we, the people of this planet, come together to raise awareness on the importance of recycling and waste diversion, putting our planet first by helping preserve our natural resources. 

Global Recycling Day was created by the Global Recycling Foundation. Their mission for Global Recycling Day is to:

“1. To tell world leaders that recycling is simply too important not to be a global issue, and that a common, joined up approach to recycling is urgently needed.

2. To ask people across the planet to think resource, not waste, when it comes to the goods around us – until this happens, we simply won’t award recycled goods the true value and repurpose they deserve.”  

On Global Recycling Day, Urban Impact is excited to announce that we are re-instating our Urban Impact Waste & Recycling Educational Program, to take place during Canada’s Recycling week in October. The Urban Impact Waste & Recycling Educational Program is an important part of our company mission to give back to our community.

The Urban Impact Waste & Recycling Educational Program brings schools to our recycling plant for a tour. These educational tours focus on the importance of waste diversion and recycling, and the balance of a sustainable lifestyle. This includes many things that contribute to our daily lives, our families, and our communities to help recycle and reuse in an effort to reduce greenhouse gases and slow down climate change.  

For five years prior to COIVD, we completed over 100 school tours. During that time, we learned that the opportunity to educate and discuss a broad range of topics seemed to engage kids and hopefully has made a lasting impression. 

Our Waste & Recycling Educational Program includes:

  • What happens to the recycling when put in a blue box,
  • How items get sorted and baled,
  • Making sustainable choices,
  • Reducing and being more thoughtful on what we purchase,
  • Reusing items and thinking wisely about transportation.  

We hope that on World Recycling Day you will start or rekindle your part in preserving our planet through recycling and waste diversion efforts. Please consider wiser choices and consumption that supports a softer and more eco-friendly footprint.  

As we approach Recycling Week in October, we are formalizing our Waste & Recycling Educational Program. If your school is interested in scheduling a tour, please email us