International Women’s Day is celebrated on March 8, 2025. This is a day to celebrate all women, especially those in our work and personal lives. When I reflect on the many women in my work life, I am proud to say many of them are not just work colleagues but also friends. 

Workplace equality has historically been skewed against women entering the workplace, and those that do have often been subjected to pay disparity. Even in our business, led by a woman, we can only declare that approximately 18% of our work force is female. It is difficult to know why exactly an industrial setting and operation is not of interest to women, but we certainly welcome all.

On March 8, I will take a moment to honor and thank the women who work at Urban Impact. 

With some more education and inclusiveness, we hope to generate more interest for women!

#wegotthis #inspireinclusion 
CEO Urban Impact