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Safety in recycling starts with awareness and making it easy to know what and where hazardous items can and cannot be recycled.
Recycle BC is the stewardship organization for the residential Blue Box recycling in British Columbia.
Recycle BC has created an easy-to-use solution of where to take various hazardous items that should not be placed into the blue box. With many locations around British Columbia, it’s easy to drop off items such as:
- Ammunition
- Batteries
- Batteries for e-cigarettes
- Bear spray
- Butane canisters
- Cell phones and laptops (lithium-ion batteries)
- Electronics
- Flammable liquids
- Flares
- Helium tanks
- Household batteries
- Knives
- Lighters and matches
- Needles
- Paint
- Propane canisters
- Toys with batteries
To find a location near you, follow this link to Recycle BC interactive map
We know first-hand how complex recycling is. Urban Impact would like to thank Recycle BC for creating this tool and to all those who take the time to keep unwanted items out of their blue bins and properly recycle them. You are making a difference by helping keep workplaces safer.
Remember, “when in doubt, keep it out”
#recyclingsafely #recyclingitright