


COVID Safety is our #1 priority at the moment. We are working tirelessly at keeping our operating teams safe, our bubbles small and getting as many of our staff and their families signed up on the BC government website and on the Pharmacies website if they agree to do so and qualify

As we all are, Urban Impact is closely monitoring the Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation as it unfolds and rapidly changes. While there are many uncertainties regarding COVID-19, the health and safety of our staff, customers, visitors and suppliers is our top priority.

During these uncertain times, we are continually reviewing and updating our operating procedures to include COVID safety for our staff and our customers. Urban Impact has a COVID Safety Plan for our operating teams. The plan is updated frequently and as information becomes available.

Community Shred Days

Clearing out old files and records? 

Don't let your sensitive documents fall victim to identity theft!

Identity theft and information - based fraud are one of the fastest growing crimes in Canada.

Most identity theft happens when people leave their sensitive documents such as confidential medical, financial records exposed!

Passports and SIN cards, uncashed cheques, credit card statements and insurance records — some of your most important, private information need to be securely destroyed!

COVID-19 Safety Update

February 18, 2021

We’re working hard to keep customer and employees safe during COVID-19!

Safety is our priority, always.  Urban Impact is committed to do everything we can to ensure the health, safety and well-being of our customers and our operating teams.