

Happy New Year from Urban Impact

To all of our Customers, Suppliers and Employees,

As 2023 comes to a close, we give our sincere thanks and best wishes all of our staff, customers and suppliers. Everyone at Urban Impact wishes you a joyous holiday season.

With the new year quickly approaching, many of us start to set our resolutions and goals, Urban Impact included.  We are very excited to announce some our projects for 2024! 

Jingle Bells and Deck the Halls are two of our all-time Holiday favourite carols! Both songs seem to be synonymous with winter and the Holiday season.

With holiday parties and gift exchanges in full swing, Urban Impact would like to share a few tips and reminders for recycling and diverting holiday waste while still enjoying Holiday lights, decorating and gifting.

Holiday Lights

It is part of our company mission statement to be involved and give back to our communities that we serve.  One way we support our communities is by helping local charities raise funds for their worthy causes through Shred Day events.

Winter storms are on their way. Snow and ice can make roadways treacherous and have a significant impact on daily life. Urban Impact would like to share our top tips for ensuring your service is uninterrupted and our drivers are safe.

4 Must Haves For Clear Roadways